Saturday, August 25, 2007

The nurse called...

The wonderful nurse called yesterday and said that out of the 24 eggs, 16 were mature, and 13 were fertilized and growing normally. We go in tomorrow morning to possibly do an ET. I am guessing that the doctor will look at how well they are growing and developing before he decides. It is so neat to know that I will have some possible babies inside of me tomorrow or Tuesday! I can't wait for tomorrow to find out all the details. Being a newbie at this, I have so many questions that I keep asking the doctor and nurse. There are definitely a few questions that I many people have asked that I have no idea what the answer is and am now curious to find out the answer.

On a side note, those progesterone shots and suppositories aren't making me feel so wonderful. I will be happy when my body will start producing them on it's own...maybe I would feel a little better then!

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