Thursday, August 30, 2007

Last day - Woohoo!

Today is my last day of bed rest. Thank God! I can't wait to take a shower and walk around a bit. I am still going to take it really easy tomorrow, don't want to knock anything loose!

I have nicknamed my blasts peanut butter and jelly. I was thinking of two things that would stick and go together. Also, it is my hubby's favorite song (if you can call it that) from one of his favorite adult cartoon shows. My hubby thinks I am crazy...but I think it helps him identify with everything that is going on a bit more.

My hubby seems to be losing patience with me not being able to move. I think a lot of it he is bringing home from work, as there is a lot of stuff going on there. I hope he doesn't act this way when we finally have a baby!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

bedrest...not all it's cracked up to be

Well, my blast transfer was yesterday. I am hoping that all goes well, and at least 1 of the 2 stick. My hubby and I would be very happy with twins. We were told that we would only have 2 more blasts to freeze, but I got a call today and my nurse said they were freezing 6! It's great to know that there will be other chances for thr future if for some reason this doen't take, or even if we want to give these kids (the ones put in yesterday) a brother or sister in the future.

The bedrest is not at all tht body hurts from laying here all day and night. I get excited that I get to get up to go to the bathroom. Thank goodness for wireless internet and laptops, TIVO's, and the wide selection of magazines that are out there in the world. Also, cordless phones are great too. Of course, the toilet that I am using is having an issue - it keeps running all day long. Since my hubby is challenged by tasks like that, it will be left until I am able to fix it.

I am just waiting now...waiting and waiting and waiting...Sept. 7th feels like a long time off

Sunday, August 26, 2007


We went to the doctors today to see if we would have the transfer, but the doctor wanted us to wait until Tuesday (Day 5) to do the transfer. Right now we have 4 A's, 1 A-, 1 B+, and a few others that the doctor didn't mention. They gave us a picture of the embryos and I just kept staring at it. It is a little strange that those blobs could be our possible children. My hubby asked if we should get it framed. I don't want to put the cart in front of the horse, because if it doesn't work, I surely don't want to stare at those embryos...

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The nurse called...

The wonderful nurse called yesterday and said that out of the 24 eggs, 16 were mature, and 13 were fertilized and growing normally. We go in tomorrow morning to possibly do an ET. I am guessing that the doctor will look at how well they are growing and developing before he decides. It is so neat to know that I will have some possible babies inside of me tomorrow or Tuesday! I can't wait for tomorrow to find out all the details. Being a newbie at this, I have so many questions that I keep asking the doctor and nurse. There are definitely a few questions that I many people have asked that I have no idea what the answer is and am now curious to find out the answer.

On a side note, those progesterone shots and suppositories aren't making me feel so wonderful. I will be happy when my body will start producing them on it's own...maybe I would feel a little better then!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lots of eggs

I had my ER today. 24 eggs found! WOW! I know that they won't all be usable, but that number is great! I had a lot of pain with the process and woke up almost in tears. Now it is better, but I am still moving very slowly and feeling some pain. The problem is with my husbands spermies. None of the 6 vials that they had frozen or the 2 fresh samples are usable. Now my DH has to go through another extraction. That means both of us will be moving really slowly for the next couple of days. Think happy thoughts for us...we need the urologist to find what is needed!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What's going on? I left the doctor's office this afternoon and everything was great! The doctor was pleased with my egg count and the lining of the uterus. Then later I got an email from the nurse giving my estradiol level but nothing to compare it to. Also, the Doctor wants me to come in to have another blood test done, but that wasn't in the plans. The nurse said "no worries." But I do not like "no worries." I do not like it at all. When doctors or nurses say "no worries," it makes me extremely worried for some reason. If there isn't a problem, why do I have to have extra blood tests completed? I need to know now if there is a possibility of the cycle having to be cancelled. I don't like worries...sure.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Looking good...

Today I went to the Dr.'s for an ultrasound. The doctors found approximately 14 eggs total, which is great! I couldn't sleep last night because I was worried they would say something is going right. My hubby said not to worry, or as he said - it's not you I'm worried about, you're's me that concerns me. I just want to have enough eggs to make sure there are some viable embryos at the end. I, too, am concerned about what will happen when the spermies are eventually inserted. Will they end up doing what they are supposed to do??? That thought is just going to go to the very back of my mind, and right now I am going to enjoy the good news that we have so far.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Shots, shots, and more shots

I am terrified of needles and HATE having any type of blood work done. I usually leave the place quietly with tears in my eyes and a tear or two rolling down my cheek. I know this sounds silly, but it is what it is. Knowing this, when I was told I had to start Lupron shots on the 2nd, I was not too excited. What was even worse was that I would be on a cruise a few days after I started the shots. I have to admit, the shots were not terrible. One day I think I worked myself up and almost had a panic attack (my shirt was covered in sweat in about 5 seconds), but otherwise they really haven't been too bad. Maybe it helps that every time I give myself the shot I say "BABY" in head. I think it helps to remind what is really important. On the 12th, I had to start giving myself more shots at night also. Those two aren't as friendly to me, and my stomach has the marks to show it. Luckily my hubby is home at that time, and he lets me complain all I want about how much the shots suck! That always seems to make me feel a little better. At my doctor's appointment tomorrow, I am sure they will tell me about the new meds that I will need to start poking myself with, so maybe I should just enjoy today knowing that I only had to do 3 shots!

I am getting excited about the upcoming retrieval. It will be coming before I even know it. I am not the type of person to hide things about myself, and many people know what my hubby and I are going through. I told many of my friends and family that we have started the treatment, and they all seem so excited for us. But there is this voice in the back of my mind that keeps saying, "Don't tell them...they will just be disappointed in the end" - or even "think of all the people you will have to tell IF it doesn't work." I have to keep this voice down. I think that there is a big difference between thinking it and believing it. I KNOW I HAVE TO think it; we all have to protect ourselves at times, so we don't get so let down if something bad does happen. But we don't have to believe it. I BELIEVE I will end in with pregnancy after this trial...I surely don't want to have to go through all those shots on another round!