Wednesday, August 29, 2007

bedrest...not all it's cracked up to be

Well, my blast transfer was yesterday. I am hoping that all goes well, and at least 1 of the 2 stick. My hubby and I would be very happy with twins. We were told that we would only have 2 more blasts to freeze, but I got a call today and my nurse said they were freezing 6! It's great to know that there will be other chances for thr future if for some reason this doen't take, or even if we want to give these kids (the ones put in yesterday) a brother or sister in the future.

The bedrest is not at all tht body hurts from laying here all day and night. I get excited that I get to get up to go to the bathroom. Thank goodness for wireless internet and laptops, TIVO's, and the wide selection of magazines that are out there in the world. Also, cordless phones are great too. Of course, the toilet that I am using is having an issue - it keeps running all day long. Since my hubby is challenged by tasks like that, it will be left until I am able to fix it.

I am just waiting now...waiting and waiting and waiting...Sept. 7th feels like a long time off

1 comment:

nickoletta100 said...

Great news about 6 making it to freeze. I hope you don't need them until at least a year from now!!!

I agree about the bedrest. My body hurt too and I got dizzy when I would stand up!