Sunday, September 16, 2007

2nd pregnancy test result

I had my 2nd second pregnancy test on Wednesday to make sure my levels were going the right direction. Well, I was in the 1800's, so everything was great. We an ultrasound on Sept. 28th. The nurse even said that we will find out how many...this time she talked about a possibility of twins! My husband and I would love to have twins. We know that this means a ton more work, but we will have 2 tons more joy and excitement. If only 1 stuck, that would be absolutely wonderful too. My husband and I are just so excited that we finally are pregnant. It has been too many years of trying to explain to everyone why there are no children yet. Those people that get pregnant right away never seem to understand. The ones that do know and understand what we have been through cried when we told them we were pregnant. My work is such a loving family environment, and they all were so happy for us. They had more tears of joy they we did.

I am feeling a lot better after the 2nd test result, but don't know if I will truely feel like I am going to have a baby until it comes. I keep waiting for someone to say, "Oh wait, sorry, you're not really pregnant." I haven't even been feeling "pregnant", except for the extreme tiredness, which I don't know whether to blame on the first week of all day kindergarten or pregnancy. Part of me wishes I would feel lots of nausea and other signs. I know my mom didn't feel bad at all during her pregnancies, so maybe I am just following in her footsteps. Does that type of thing run in families? I probably will be eating my words later wishing for nausea, but silly as it seems, I think it would actually make me feel better!

Friday, September 7, 2007

And the results are...

We're pregnant! It is so hard to say that after so long. The nurse said that I still need to come in for more testing to make sure everything is increasing on my bloodwork. My husband and I have told many people we really hope it continues! I think I am more scared then before the pregnancy test. All these what if's keep running through my mind.

My number was 200something and she said that anything above 20 is positive! I asked if that meant that there could be twins and she said no, it just means you are pregnant. I guess we will find out more later about those details.

I had to call my hubby since he is out of town right now. It was awesome to hear his response. He kept asking are you kidding - over and over again. Then immediately after that he said I love you with so much happiness in his voice. It definately wasn't how we imagined we would be telling each other, but definately something very special anyway!

Keep your fingers crossed that the numbers increase!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I am glad for the distractions. Having a three day weekend was very nice. My hubby and I sat around and just watched the 1st season of Heroes (some of it anyway). This long weekend went by slow enough to enjoy it, but not terribly slow that all I was doing was thinking about PB & J inside of me. I will be starting back at work tomorrow - although I don't officially have to be there until Wed. If I don't go tomorrow, then there is no way I will be ready for the new school year. But it conveniently creates more distractions for me. This is seems as though this try was the best when it came to timing. I know that things don't always work as planned during this whole cycle thing...I guess we were just lucky. Hopefully that luck is sticking (quite literally). Friday seems like a long time from now, but I know that it will come sooner rather than later...

As for any type of signs that I am feeling...I am extremely tired (is that just me being be or is it a true sign that more is happening). Also, I do have a headache which came on last night and has lasted all day. I tend to get headaches around the time of the visit from the aunt. Hopefully that is not what that means. There is just so much that every little thing can mean. It's hard to determine what's what...