Friday, September 7, 2007

And the results are...

We're pregnant! It is so hard to say that after so long. The nurse said that I still need to come in for more testing to make sure everything is increasing on my bloodwork. My husband and I have told many people we really hope it continues! I think I am more scared then before the pregnancy test. All these what if's keep running through my mind.

My number was 200something and she said that anything above 20 is positive! I asked if that meant that there could be twins and she said no, it just means you are pregnant. I guess we will find out more later about those details.

I had to call my hubby since he is out of town right now. It was awesome to hear his response. He kept asking are you kidding - over and over again. Then immediately after that he said I love you with so much happiness in his voice. It definately wasn't how we imagined we would be telling each other, but definately something very special anyway!

Keep your fingers crossed that the numbers increase!


nickoletta100 said...

YAYAYAAYYA!!! Congrats!!! IVF seemed to be pretty successful last week as I got pg too!!! Enjoy this wonderful time!

Searching said...